Castor De Oiled Cake  - Online Sale (Shipping Extra)

Castor De Oiled Cake - Online Sale (Shipping Extra)

Rs. 50 / Kg

Ingredient Castor meal
Form Granular
Weight 1000grams
Packing One pocket
Payment 100% Advance
Delivery All over India
Color Dark Brown

Product Description

Castor cake or Castor meal online sales all over the place of India.

Castor de oiled cake (or) Castor meal is one of the most versatile natural manure. Castor cake enriched with three big elements vital and conductive to the proper growth of corps Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. It also has traces of nutrients like magnesium, zinc and copper. Thus making it a balanced fertilizer, Agriculture benefit of the synthetic fertilizers or pesticides can offer. They bring wonderful molecules that nature has designed to help the plants flourish naturally. They provide slow and steady nourishment stimulation, protection from soil nematodes and insects improve yields and quality of product like taste, flavour, amino acids composition etc...

Castor de oiled cake simple manure which acts progressively that encourage soil microbial activity. Castor cake bring nitrogen fourteen time high compare to cow has insecticidal properties and naturally pest repellent, it can be used for organic farming and environment friendly product.

Castor meal organic, bio degradable and organic bio pesticides. Castor meal use for indoor, outdoor plants and .Control insects at all stage of development, It is safe to use around pets and wildlife. Beneficial earthworm's won't be harmed protect your veggies from pests and fungus.

To be stored a dry place, away from direct sunlight.